Marking Milestones

There was a milestone that I reached recently. I didn’t make a big deal out of it, but I was certainly aware of it. I have now reached over 100 followers on Instagram.

Of course, in a day when there are people with followers numbering in the thousands or millions… Read More

Capture the Imagination

There is a factor at play in creating that I can’t really explain. Call it instinct, intuition, or gut feeling, but there is an element involved in creating that just can’t be captured in a tutorial.

Of course, it’s kind of annoying, and a little pretentious… Read More

It’s Green Eggs and Ham All Over Again

A few years ago, if you asked me about using gradients in my artwork, I would have emphatically said, “Never! I’d rather use starbursts and the Comic Sans font TOGETHER than use gradients!”

While things looked pretty good from atop my designer high-horse, I have recently… Read More

Do You Want to Know a Secret?

What if I told you that there is a trick that has solved most problems I have run into when creating? It has become my go-to technique and I believe it has made my artwork much better as a result.… Read More